Friday 13 April 2007

People of The World Unite

People of the world unite
seek to join the one true fight
think not of what is yours alone
but that of which we jointly own
Can we truly survive in isolation
torn apart nation from nation
learn a lesson one and all
United we stand, divided we fall
When all is said and done
we need the same as everyone
To be safe and warm and fed
To have a place to lay our head
We want to see our children grow
To watch what decency they show
See them strong and sure
Knowing their future is secure
In God our father we are related
when all our differences are debated
are we not all of flesh and blood
Striving for what we know is good
Can we see ourselves in others
open our hearts to all our brothers
and sisters too, like me and you
striving for what we see is true
Why don't we take our destiny
mould it to suit you and me
Lets give and take and live in peace
work so hostilities may cease
Are we so different you and I
when we're sad do we not cry
When we are hurt do we not bleed
In fear we beg God to intercede
If Gods our father are we not family
All branches of that favoured tree
better we embrace our similarities
find common ground for to please
Cry all for peace and harmony
justice, freedom and equality
Let us savour that sensation
Pass these gifts to every Nation
To be as one what will it take
Be vigilant make no mistake
We of the world to stay alive
Only through peace will we survive.

Carol Selva

April 2007

Tuesday 10 April 2007

That's love

Tenderness within a kiss
Laughter smiling loving bliss
one who loves knows all of this
When you can put another first
your future in their eyes immersed
be it blessed or be it cursed
Your soul is not now your own
Two into one have grown
you cannot bear to be alone
Life seems so much brighter
Problems appear lighter
Distances seem slighter
A man in love becomes a king
tho tuneless his heart can sing
Peace to chaos love can bring
A woman in love becomes a Queen
singing within her soul supreme
reaching out towards a dream
When compassion you regain
and you feel another's pain
contemplative loss drives you insane
One moment up, the next down
At once a tiger and a clown
instant laughter instant frown
Emotions they rush and flow
Onwards, upwards down you go
How you'll feel you never know
Sometimes cocooned in elation
sensing every crisp sensation
then to writhe in devastation
That's love!!!

(Bolton, Easter Sunday 2007)

Saturday 9 December 2006


Whats that all about
How do we figure it out
Diverse as it can be
Across every nationality
Anyone can be a pal
whether a guy or a gal

Its all about attitude
be it lady or a dude
links are forged in a trice
if the person treats you nice
its a meeting of mind
hopefully over a lifetime

You find something to discuss
then it becomes an us
not me alone or you
we become a friendly two
sharing life's ups n downs
it's laughter and it's frowns

We may meet or not
its about what we've got
in common or in diverse
you are rhyme i am verse
that's what makes it a link
and stimulates us both to think

Share our thoughts and our fear
a true friend is ever here
not minding if you speak or not
contact a little or a lot
we are one yet also apart
ever present in the heart



Now I wonder where I stand
on PC in 'Plastic land'
amazed at all those on here
without hope, or wrought of fear.
Come all you who need a friend
those who want the pain to end
I will listen and advise,
help dry the tears in your eyes.

For what are we if alone and no ones there
Not another soul to care
If we live or if we die
If we fail or never try
to reach anther's heart
never bother to play our part.
How sad and empty
our souls will be.

Take some time for your brother
reach across unto another
can you see the pain within
the sad eyes belie the grin
stop and listen where you may
give a stranger the time of day
Let your soul reach where it may
take notice of some one this day.

I think my task here is defined
to champion those most maligned
the lonely and those out of grace
those do not have their place
those who life is put asunder
those whose faith has gone under
to raise them up again
and help them all heal their pain


Tuesday 5 December 2006

My Home

Its cozy and I love it so
my brown detached bungalow
You may think this absurd
but it's an original Hindi word
Maybe I am mistaken
maybe my memory is shaken
However if i can but wait
someone will agree or set me straight.
Or even start a hot debate
Behind lies miles of green
so vast I've never been
hardly set a foot inside
hardly had the time to bide.
Our barrier is a hedge of thorns
on which the cattle scrape their horns
lowly mooing in the morn
waiting to be milked or fed
while the neighbours are abed.
When the farmer's about we can tell
from the noise and the smell
That man sure raises hell
spreading all his muck about
when our washing is all out
when the day is soft and fine
hanging cleanly on the line.
Many times I have been sad
everything smells really bad
My favorite scene comes to
the soft glowing gentle hue
As the sun sinks from view
I see it orange across the sky
and darkened horses passing by
make stark contrast to the eye.
And from the dark eerie sounds
amidst secret places in the grounds


Saturday 2 December 2006

Flights of Fancy

My horoscope said today
Let your imagination run away
It will take you to amazing places
so here follows on that basis....
I close my eyes and if I try
I'm peering down from the sky
watching the tides ebb and flow
several miles down below
I close my eyes and if I try
I am transported to Mumbai
breath in her colour and her spice
then off again in a trice
I close my eyes and if I try
I top the Himalayas high
Glimpse the heavenly peaks of snow
and onwards i swiftly go
I close my eyes and if I try
I am in Rome seven hills high
taste its beauty and history
then away to where i next will be
I close my eyes and if I try
I see the Ganges delta lie
bringing life to all that's dry
Then onwards I swiftly fly
I close my eyes and if I try
the Taj Mahal is now close by
Royalty in its splendour lie
and then I'm gone into the sky
I close my eyes and if I try
I feel my love my Spain
seeing mountain and her plain
only to take flight again
I close my eyes and if I try
I see my love stand nearby
I know now that I am home
never more this need to roam


Surya's note: Please read a short introduction with a shorter bio of this poet in the earliest post of this blog. A constructive comment would be nice too.


What do we think
when we think of spring
maybe a buzzing bee with sting
perhaps its flower power
a soft refreshing shower
light clouds over the tower
we see everything green
bursting buds on the scene
ever wonder where they've been
Now the nesting in the trees
hails the gentle summer breeze
as it freshens for the tease.
swallows glide high above
tiny lambs bleat and shove
to gain a touch of motherly love.
Birds atwitter build a nest
which lively breezes surely test.
Moving on the sun now high
Dominates the summer sky
under which worshippers lie.
flowers bloom in unison
nodding til the day is done
clothed in colour every one.
dominating scenery
their blush upon the greenery.
Gone is colour now it fades
silent now every glade
just a crinkle then a dash
something quickly scurries past
collecting seeds this and that
hoping its store will last.
The trees fall naked in their shame
nothing now remains the same.
Gone the yellows and the greens
and the sunny harvest scenes
where the day did begin
getting natures harvest in
Now comes the golden hue
the red, browns, bronzes too
that dominate the autumn tide
and to the ground softly glide.
Grey and cool debating
the point of natures waiting
for that of fiercer cold
the winter to behold.
The crisp and icy queen
now dominates the scene
but children love her still
hear their laughter shrill
Cannot get their fill
up dale and down hill
they slip and slide
shriek and glide
red faced and puffed out
merrily to friends they shout
this is what life's about
of that they have no doubt
Happily frolicking in the snow
until tired homeward they go
gentle snow upon the ground
softly dulls sense of sound
Soon it will revolve again
nothing ever stays the same
life and seasons as we know
are a never ending flow.


Surya's note: Please read a short introduction with a shorter bio of this poet in the earliest post of this blog. A constructive comment would be nice too.