Saturday 2 December 2006


What do we think
when we think of spring
maybe a buzzing bee with sting
perhaps its flower power
a soft refreshing shower
light clouds over the tower
we see everything green
bursting buds on the scene
ever wonder where they've been
Now the nesting in the trees
hails the gentle summer breeze
as it freshens for the tease.
swallows glide high above
tiny lambs bleat and shove
to gain a touch of motherly love.
Birds atwitter build a nest
which lively breezes surely test.
Moving on the sun now high
Dominates the summer sky
under which worshippers lie.
flowers bloom in unison
nodding til the day is done
clothed in colour every one.
dominating scenery
their blush upon the greenery.
Gone is colour now it fades
silent now every glade
just a crinkle then a dash
something quickly scurries past
collecting seeds this and that
hoping its store will last.
The trees fall naked in their shame
nothing now remains the same.
Gone the yellows and the greens
and the sunny harvest scenes
where the day did begin
getting natures harvest in
Now comes the golden hue
the red, browns, bronzes too
that dominate the autumn tide
and to the ground softly glide.
Grey and cool debating
the point of natures waiting
for that of fiercer cold
the winter to behold.
The crisp and icy queen
now dominates the scene
but children love her still
hear their laughter shrill
Cannot get their fill
up dale and down hill
they slip and slide
shriek and glide
red faced and puffed out
merrily to friends they shout
this is what life's about
of that they have no doubt
Happily frolicking in the snow
until tired homeward they go
gentle snow upon the ground
softly dulls sense of sound
Soon it will revolve again
nothing ever stays the same
life and seasons as we know
are a never ending flow.


Surya's note: Please read a short introduction with a shorter bio of this poet in the earliest post of this blog. A constructive comment would be nice too.

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